AUDUSD short @ 6810 hits targets 0.6660 as EA_GROWTH July returns raise our live account to +130.2k. July returns +4.8%


The EA_GROWTh continues to move higher into July end. Our live account has risen above 130k for first time. Excellent trading by the system as returns for July now stand at4.8%. Some solid gains on AUDUSD. The system had shorted AUDUSD from above 0.6810 to 0.6660. This is one of the must have low DD system for retail where the master is trading well over 100k.  The system makes positive consistent returns every month with a very low DD. Historical high on DD was 12%.

We current have two trading systems active on our funds and on clients.

  1. EA_FIX : Powerful HFT system operational on FIX protocol. Brilliant system but requires FIX protocol. The system is running live for more than 7 months on our 100k account. You can also acquire the FIX registration by direct registration with a FIX broker here
  2. EA_GROWTH: An MT4 system running on our MT4.  Steady return system running for over 6 months on our 100k account

The performance of EA_GROWTH is detailed here.

You can verify the below results in Live Tracking FXBLUE ACCOUNT: LIVE ACCOUNT 100K

The EA_GROWTH runs on developers account of over 200k split between two brokers. Here is the snapshot of the 100k account into its fifth month of trading.


Monthly returns 

It is one of the finest systems that can safely run on any account above 10k. The key is consistent positive returns every single month. You will never see negative returns. The system has hard stops and well tune risk management to ensure that our account is never exposed to high DD. Hard stops at clear levels ensure account dd never ever goes above 25%. The max dd seen has been 12%.

You can start the system on your account by simply having an account at below broker. The EA license fee gives you fill access to all 25 pairs being traded and also upto date support at any time. Get it now by starting a broker account at either of these two brokers.

VantageMarkets New MT4 account 

or at RoboForex ECN MT4 

Chat with us at telegram : Join the NEHCAP GROUP 

To purchase: Contact us via email or telegram : @mqlnehcap



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