One of the most significant antitrust settlements ever achieved was a deal by Visa #V and MasterCard #MA to cap credit card swipe fees — a deal that US merchants say will save them at least $30 billion over five years — in one of the most significant settlements ever to end a legal battle that spanned almost two decades. The deal, which is subject to court approval, would also allow retailers to charge consumers extra for using Visa or Mastercard credit cards at checkout and use pricing tactics to entice


One of the most significant antitrust settlements ever achieved was a deal by Visa #V and MasterCard #MA to cap credit card swipe fees — a deal that US merchants say will save them at least $30 billion over five years — in one of the most significant settlements ever to end a legal battle that spanned almost two decades. The deal, which is subject to court approval, would also allow retailers to charge consumers extra for using Visa or Mastercard credit cards at checkout and use pricing tactics to entice


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