NeH Capital

EA_GROWTH commences February returns with +0.7%. January returns closed at +8.3%. Phenomenal trading by he superlative system

EA_GROWTH has started February trading. The returns for Feb already up +0.7%. January trading closed at +8.3% which takes our capital to $196k. Remember this started at 100k. The system has been phenomenal. The profit factor at 2x has remained constant.

You can verify the below results in Live Tracking FXBLUE ACCOUNT: LIVE ACCOUNT 100K

January returns rising smoothly at +8.3%

and Feb returns commences at 0.7%

Overall portfolio stops are set so the system risks are taken care off. Unlike our HFT_FIX, the EA_GROWTH operates on a ECN MT4. If you have a VantageMarkets or Roboforex or PFD or Varianse ECN MT4 or any other broker offering ECN, this is the system you need to have in your portfolio. It is the ONLY SYSTEM in the world where the developer has a such sizeable live account running for so long. So come over and join our EA system.

The EA_GROWTH can be easily started by opening an account at any of our affiliated brokers and purchasing the EA to run. The system runs on MT4 brokers. 

Start Now and make money

You can join this system by directly purchasing the license by emailing us at

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