EA_FIX starts July trading after a June return of +5.1% and dd under 4%


EA_FIX has stared July trading slowly and stedily. The system is a HFT scalper  but working via FIX messaging protocol. It bypasses the MT4 bridge of brokers as MT4 adds significant delays at backend due to serial execution.

HFT systems require exact and fast execution with slippages at 0-1 pips. EA_FIX is only available for clients who can open a account at PFD broker which is a FIX based broker also offering MT4. Please open your account via here 

Live account can be viewed here: LIVE ACCOUNT 

Latest snapshot of our account at one broker.

equity curve


As you can see this is one of the most succesful system on internet. But it requires FIX broker for such performance.

Full details and costing


Contact us via email or telegram : @mqlnehcap





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